CBD Information


CBD Hemp Oil is a popular natural remedy used for many common ailments.

CBD hemp oil is made from high-CBD, low-THC hemp, unlike medical marijuana products, which are usually made from plants with high concentrations of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Because hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, these hemp oil products are non-psychoactive.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of over 85 cannabinoids presently identified in the cannabis plant and is the second most abundant cannabinoid in marijuana after THC. In hemp, however, THC is only present in trace amounts, while CBD dominates the plant’s makeup.

Health Benefits

  • May Relieve Pain
    CBD, especially in combination with THC, may be effective in reducing pain associated with diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Could Reduce Anxiety and Depression
    Using CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression in both human and animal studies.
  • Anti-tumor effects
    In test-tube and animal studies, CBD has demonstrated anti-tumor effects. In animals, it has been shown to prevent the spread of breast, prostate, brain, colon and lung cancer.
  • May Alleviate Cancer-Related Symptoms
    Though CBD has been shown to help reduce symptoms related to cancer and cancer treatment, and may even have cancer-fighting properties, more research is needed to assess its efficacy and safety.
  • May Reduce Acne
    CBD may have beneficial effects on acne due to its anti-inflammatory qualities and its ability to control the overproduction of sebum from the sebaceous glands.
  • Might Have Neuroprotective Properties
    CBD has been shown to effectively treat symptoms related to epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. CBD was also shown to reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in test-tube and animal studies.
  • Could Benefit Heart Health
    Though more human studies are needed, CBD may benefit heart health in several ways, including by reducing blood pressure and preventing heart damage.
  • Antipsychotic effects
    Studies suggest that CBD may help people with schizophrenia and other mental disorders by reducing psychotic symptoms.
  • Substance abuse treatment
    CBD has been shown to modify circuits in the brain related to drug addiction. In rats, CBD has been shown to reduce morphine dependence and heroin-seeking behavior.
  • Diabetes prevention
    In diabetic mice, treatment with CBD reduced the incidence of diabetes by 56% and significantly reduced inflammation.


CBD oil has been studied for its potential role in treating many common health issues, including anxiety, depression, acne and heart disease.

For those with cancer, it may even provide a natural alternative for pain and symptom relief.

Research on the potential health benefits of CBD oil is ongoing, so new therapeutic uses for this natural remedy are sure to be discovered.

Though there is much to be learned about the efficacy and safety of CBD, results from recent studies suggest that CBD may provide a safe, powerful natural treatment for many health issues.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Despite CBD being a widely studied compound in its own right, scientists have realised that the cannabinoid’s effectiveness partly depends on being accompanied by other molecules that are naturally present in the plant. This is called the entourage effect and is a kind of synergy, where the different botanical elements support and balance each other. A common example of this balance is CBD’s ability to counteract the psychoactive effect of THC.

It is imperative then to employ extraction techniques preserving the multitude of compounds present in the plant material, when making full spectrum CBD oil. The current best practice method is supercritical CO2 extraction, using carbon dioxide to obtain pure plant extracts free from solvents or hazardous chemicals.

Most full spectrum CBD oils then go through the decarboxylation process, where the plant material is gently heated in order to turn the cannabinoid’s acidic precursor CBDA into CBD. Much care is needed at this stage to ensure that important elements of the full spectrum CBD oil, like terpenes and minor cannabinoids, are preserved. 

CBD E-liquids Benefits

In general, not all of the CBD you consume will directly affect your body: only a certain percentage will be able to enter your systemic circulation and produce its active effects. This percentage is referred to in science as “bioavailability,” and it strongly depends on the manner in which CBD is introduced to your system. For example, the oral bioavailability of CBD is roughly 15 percent. That means for every 100 milligrams of CBD that you eat, only 15 milligrams will actually reach your bloodstream.

There are two main reasons why this happens. First, CBD is hydrophobic, meaning that it is not very water-soluble. In the same way that oil does not like to mix with vinegar, CBD does not like to stay in your bloodstream. Instead, it rapidly diffuses out of your blood and accumulates into your fatty tissues. Unfortunately, this significantly reduces the amount of bioactive CBD that can enter your systemic circulation, allowing for less CBD to be carried to its active sites in your body and thus lowering its overall bioavailability.

Second, when an organic compound like CBD enters your gut, it has to pass through the liver before it enters your circulation. During this transition, the liver will actively reduce the amount of CBD, either through absorption or through chemical breakdown by liver enzymes. This phenomenon is called the “first-pass effect,” where passing through the liver reduces the concentration of bioactive compounds.

There are a few different ways to offset these losses of CBD. For one, you can reduce the amount of CBD that dissolves out of your bloodstream by putting the CBD into a form that is more hydrophilic, or water-soluble. However, this can only be achieved by complicated chemical means, such as through the use of cyclodextrins or liposomes. A more practical solution is to bypass the first-pass effect of oral administration entirely by utilizing vaporization.

During vaporization, CBD enters your lungs and diffuses directly into your bloodstream rather than passing through your gut and liver. This avoids the first-pass effect altogether, allowing nearly four times as much CBD to enter your circulation for a maximum bioavailability of roughly 50 to 60 percent. Essentially, this means you can achieve the same beneficial effects with a much smaller amount of CBD.

Not only that, but vaping will greatly decrease the amount of time it takes for the CBD in your body to become active, since you don’t have to wait for it to travel through your gut. By vaporizing a CBD e-liquid or high-CBD concentrate, you could potentially feel its effects 30 to 60 minutes faster. This makes vaping CBD an extremely efficient delivery method.



  1. Ian 30/09/2022 Reply

    What is the maximum recommended dosage of vaping liquid? I ask as someone with chronic back pain and I take high doses of OxyContin and pregabalin.

    • David Smith-Teasdale 14/08/2023 Reply

      Hi Ian sorry on late reply there’s no size fits all with Cbd it’s a case of each finding their own zone, in your case it will be when the pains gone or you’re in a more comfortable position

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